Dear Bob, I have a problem. Last year I used your fabulous tool Pivot for several months, and joined your webring. I like Pivot and I recommend it all the time, but when I upgraded my account I left you for a database. Please understand, the projects are still small and we need the database to grow up and to practice things on a tool my customers use. Ever since .... I am trying to leave the pivot webring, too.
(I better not practice my Dutch on this one, I am too tired today.)
None of the usernames I remember will let me in and so I can’t send myself the passwort. I feel horrible about breaking the ring everytime someone somewhere else clicks on the navigation element. After not hearing from you (I have tried 5 times per mail now lately and of course you or your mailsystem must think I spam) I will do the public thing, walk over to your private weblog and trackback you on the ‘killbill thread’ with this.
Anything to get your attention 😊 please delete Ring ID 47, Melodys Moving Target from the Pivotlog Webring.
Thank you in advance, sorry for the commotion and have a great sunday!
Bisher nicht von Erfolg gekrönt, dieser Versuch, sich fairerweise aus dem Ring abzumelden. Hm. Hoffentlich hat er ein schönes Wochenende.
Prettig weekendje, Bob. Ik hoop dit post werkt misschien toch wel ... ob maandag misschien.
Versuch’ es im Pivotforum. Dort bekommst Du auch bestimmt eine Antwort von Bob.
Am Besten hier ->
danke, ich schau mal (später)
Bob hat sehr nett gemailt und sich dafür bedankt, dass ich den Webring intakt halte (Ehrensache, das).